You have lost hope that you will ever feel good enough. I’m here to tell you there’s hope.

Self-Esteem Counseling in Chicago, IL

You feel like you will never be good enough.

You try so hard to make everyone else happy and if you're honest they're your kryptonite.  You just want to be understood and for people to love you for you. But this love feels conditional. You secretly wonder if other people like you or just what you can do for them. If you’re being honest you feel so weak and hate that you are affected by the thought of people judging you, criticizing you, or downright leaving.

In an effort to make them stay you try to please everyone in your life but you’re pissed off because what you want seems not to matter and you always get the short end of the stick. To make matters worse, the voice in your head constantly tells you you're not enough, you never will be enough, and that you are weak and spineless. Can't ever get a break from your own mind. 

You feel like there isn't any hope for you and you have to hold everything together and deal with this all alone.

Because everyone knows your family and friends will judge you. So you have to carry this burden alone. This is all just too stressful for you, you can’t deal so you have that TALL glass of wine and numb out in front of the tv.

The judgment, responsibility, and people can wait until later. You feel like you are at your breaking point and can’t hold all of it in any longer. You feel like you’re one step away from exploding! You wonder when will it be your turn? When will you be happy? You just want to be free, have peace, and fully express who you are and what you want. 

Hey, I’m Tiffany, a licensed therapist who helps people-pleasing women finally make their needs a priority and get what they want from life and their relationships.

Together we work to stop tying your worth to your relationships and what you offer to one that's internal and based ENTIRELY on you and who you are as a person.

With therapy, I help you get what you want and need from relationships by helping you create a foundation of standards, boundaries, and limits and supporting you in creating healthy habits of self-compassion so you can have the peace you long for.

I support you in breaking your habit of avoidance by working with you on stepping out of your comfort zone, speaking up, and handling confrontation in spite of fear. Together we set goals and I support you in reaching your goals for your confidence and life. Which helps you feel better about yourself and creates a foundation and habits to continuously build confidence. 

I’m a gentle pusher and we will move at your pace and timing however I will challenge you, and your beliefs and call out the things that don’t sound like they’re working for you and what you want. My focus 100% of the time will be on YOU and helping you get what you want and need.

The challenge doesn't stop in session. I will challenge you to take things a step further by practicing what we’ve learned in session and doing all the scary things that you’ve been avoiding. But don't worry we will have fun while doing it, and I am here with you, nudging you, cheering you on, and holding your hand when needed. Think of me as your non-stuffy therapist friend. 

Is Confidence Counseling for you?

Therapy is right for you if this has taken over your life so much that you’re constantly anxious, being around others makes you anxious or you’re so low that you’ve been avoiding some major things like work and basic self-care. 

You’re in the right place if…

  • Deep down you feel not good enough, unlovable, or rejected 

  • You have a loud inner critic constantly telling you you’re not good enough 

  • You give much more than you receive in your relationships 

  • Your mind feels untamed and is clouded with shame, worry, and self-doubt

Therapy is right for you if…

  • You’re in a place of healing 

  • You want to come to a place of mental health and wellbeing

  • You want to have a healthy mind and you'll benefit from a slower pace of reflection 

  • You want to process or resolve past experiences, relationships, or traumas

  • You want to learn skills to reduce emotional stress or distress 

  • You want to look at your past, habits, patterns, and beliefs 

  • You want to look at how your past is impacting your present

The therapy journey…

By the end of your therapy journey, you will:

  • Get to the root of your issue with self-esteem 

  • Create habits and beliefs to build confidence 

  • Feel good enough

  • Measure your worth internally 

  • Know who you are and what you want

  • Have more peace and calm

  • Have healthy habits of self-compassion 

  • Have balance in your relationships

  • Understand your emotions and work with them instead of being controlled by them

  • Create habits of standards, boundaries, and limits to take care of you

  • Confront the things you’ve been avoiding

  • Learn skills and tools to improve your mental health on your own

  • Belonging without self-sacrifice 

You can’t do this alone any longer. 

You’re exhausted by the overthinking, worry, and fear of rejection and abandonment. Deep down you feel like you’re not good enough and will never belong or be accepted. You’ve held this struggle in for so long that you feel like you’ve lost yourself.

It’s time you get to know yourself and show that beautiful self to the world.

Now is your turn. To have peace, to have freedom, to live this life and be you fully in it. To have love and relationships without conditions. And most of all to be a friend to yourself, take charge of your self-care, your needs, and the things you want to achieve in this lifetime without worry.

Let's begin this new journey and move from just existing, holding back, and shrinking to make everyone else happy to finally being enough as you are. Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for self-esteem counseling in Chicago to begin your plan. My other specialties include confidence coaching.

Let’s begin your confidence journey. Reach out to start your road map.