How to Stop Caring What People Think: Part 3: Putting it All Together

Well alright, you made it to the end. This is my last and final post to help you stop caring what other people think. This one…is the most important. You see, when we care about what people think, we compromise who were are(to be liked, to keep the peace, to be accepted and loved).

I’m guessing one reason why you care about what others think is because relationships are very important to you. And you want to be accepted and loved. But my question is, at what cost? It’s easy to get swept up into who we think others think we should be, how we should act, or what we should do. It takes a huge leap of faith to show up and truly be ourselves. So this, my friend, is a call for authenticity, an urge for you to be yourself,  to show yourself and let go of the expectations that others have placed on you and to instead be who you truly are. 

To stop caring what others think first starts with you owning and accepting who you are. To love and accept yourself so deeply that the opinions of others are just a drop in the ocean. Of course, we are all human and the thoughts and opinions of others can be hurtful and it can be painful to not fit in or be accepted. But how much are you willing to compromise and push and change who you are to be accepted and loved? 

It all comes down to authenticity. Who are you at your core? Who do you want to be? And are those people you are trying so hard to impress the people you want to attract in your life (you know, real people who will love and accept you for who you are?) When we care so much about what people think that it changes us or that we’re shifting and changing who we are to be who others want us to be, when lose a part of ourselves. 

As a self-esteem therapist in Chicago and online I see this far too often, betraying ourselves for the love and admiration of others. 

So what do you want? To be really known, seen, and understood or to have a false sense of acceptance? When you show others who you truly are, you give them the opportunity to make a real and honest decision about you. Some people will be for you, and some will not and that’s ok. Is caring what others think and adapting to fit their needs, fit your needs?

You want supportive, healthy, and balanced relationships, and by putting too much stake in what others think it's automatically giving them the upper hand. Having those balanced relationships calls for you to show up and be yourself. What you want and what you think matters just as much if not more than what others think. So let's start taking some of the emphasis off of them and onto you. Let's have your’ voice be stronger than someone else's opinion of you. 

If you’re tired of caring what people think, click to book a complimentary consultation. I provide self-esteem coaching and confidence counseling in Chicago and online. 


Stop Caring What People Think Series: Part 2: Taking Your Power Back