About Tiffany Williams Counselor & Life Coach in Chicago

Confidence Counseling & Self-Confidence Coaching, Chicago

Tiffany Williams, self-esteem therapist and confidence coach in Chicago, IL

You put so much focus on everyone else that it has left you drained and depleted.

You are tired of everyone else coming first and you struggling alone.

You realize that caring so much about what others think, avoiding confrontation, and not having limits with others has you feeling like a doormat. And you can’t live like this any longer.

You’ve done some meditations and read some books, but nothing seems to be working. This is your last ditch effort to get help but you wonder how difficult it will be to find someone you trust and who can really help you. You wonder if you’re exaggerating and if you really need help while at the same time, you realize that the way you’ve been living is no longer sustainable.

I’m Tiffany Williams, I am a therapist and coach in Chicago, IL. I do this work because it saddens me when I see a woman giving away so much of her power, living up to others’ expectations, making herself smaller to accommodate others, and not making her own self-care a priority. After years of working with women, I realized that many women want the same thing, to feel like they are worthy and have value. But most of all to have that value validated by themselves instead of what they do for others or based on the approval of others. I am on a mission to help women build their confidence and take care of themselves. I want to help you have the freedom to fully be yourself including showing your true self, expressing your needs, wants and setting limits with others to honor yourself.

What is it like to work with me?

  • I am very acton-oriented. From the moment we talk to complete your complimentary 15-minute consultation expect us to begin creating a plan for you.

  • I am a gentle nudger and will never push you over the edge too quickly however I will urge you to step out of your comfort zone and do all the things you’ve been avoiding.

  • I will challenge any belief or behavior that doesn't quite fit with what you want or supports you.

  • We won’t really have worksheets but I will have you practice what we’re learning in your day-to-day life to build habits that allow you to show up more powerfully and confidently.

  • I will be here with you, cheering you on, laughing with you, and supporting you as you build confidence one step at a time.

  • Whether you’re seeking therapy or coaching, the way I’ll work with you will be suited to your needs. You can learn more specifically about how I work with therapy or coaching clients on my therapy and coaching pages.

My Professional Background

I received a Bachelors in Psychology and Business from the University of Missouri-Columbia

I have a Masters in Social Work from Governors State University

I have my licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (License Number 149.022048)

I am a Certified Professional Coach and received my certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

I am trained in CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Begin your confidence journey.